Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tim's kitchen. He has a lot of cupboard space, which I'm quite sure will never get filled up!
The counter tops come tomorrow. Dad will be installing those himself. He never did do the kitchen cabinets. He ended up hiring someone who did a really good job and had it done in a day. Dad would have taken a lot longer I'm sure.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

More Addition of a different kind!!!

So as some of you may already know we are expecting a baby:) My due date is Feb. 13 and I'm 13 weeks along! After the trouble we've had these past 10 months finally hearing a heartbeat was wonderful! Because I had 2 miscarriages (one in Nov. and one in Feb.) my doctor referred me to the recurrent pregnancy loss clinic at BC Women's Hospital. Just after I found out I was pregnant I had to have 3 blood tests, one a week, just to make sure my hormone levels were rising properly. Than at what I thought was 7 weeks I had my first ultrasound. Turns out I was only 6 weeks:( So either my dates were off or the baby wasn't growing properly. They wanted me to have 2 more ultrasounds after that. Each 2 weeks apart. Those were the longest 2 weeks ever! But when we saw the little heart beating Aaron and I both breathed a HUGE sigh of relief:) So I've now had 3 ultrasounds altogether, so far. We saw the midwife yesterday for the first time and got to hear the heartbeat. 160bpm's! A good strong heartbeat. I've definitely been more nauseous with this pregnancy than any other, but since I've hit 12 weeks that seems to have subsided, thank goodness! I will try and keep you updated with pictures.


8 weeks! I know its upside-down but its easier to see this way:)
10 weeks!

10 weeks!

13 weeks!