Its my first and its very exciting! It's been so long since I've blogged I know, very bad. What have I been up to? Well I am addicted to facebook! Its sort of lost its spark already though. I did find my old old old best friend who moved away almost 10 years ago though! I added her to my friends list but she hasn't confirmed back yet:( I don't know why, maybe she doesn't check her's very often. I was so excited when I found her and all her 5 siblings. So in that way facebook is really neat. What else? We celebrated Mom's 46th birthday on tuesday and my grandpa's 80th birthday yesterday. Sooo many May bdays. Lilah's party is on May 26th but her real bday is May 30th. I'm so excited for it! Lilah and I went to Aaron's sister Julie's for lunch and cake. Aaron has to work today so he missed out. Not much else to say. I can hear Lilah playing in her crib when she is supposed to be sleeping so I'd better go check on her.