Saturday, April 26, 2008

Birthday Boy

Oops! Almost forgot its Aaron's birthday today. His golden birthday 26 on the 26th. Happy birthday honey I love you lots! Birdie

Day Trip to Victoria!

Nana and Cali on the ferry. On tuesday of this last week, Mom(G.), Julie, Cali, Lilah and I went to Victoria for the day to go visit Auntie Katie! It was a very long day but well worth it:) Auntie Katie getting to feed Cali for the first time! She hasn't seen her since she was just a week old!


This was on the ferry ride home. All in all it was a good day. It was nice to visit with Katie and share with her the trial and tribulations of motherhood;) Won't be long and she'll be experiencing it all for herself!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Fun in the Sun!

That's my girl!
Lilah wearing her pretty or as she calls it "my ritty".

Feeding papa chips on the patio.

She knew exactly what to do.

She has a small watering can in her hand and she's rinsing.

This one needs no explanation.

Cousins! Lilah seems to be making the same faces in all the pictures. I wonder if its because we tell her to say "cheese"?

Adorable little Cali:)

This was taken the other day. So beautiful.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Audience

So the other day as mom and I were cleaning up the dinner dishes Lilah was busy over in the corner chatting away to herself. I was curious as to what she was up to and when I went over there this is what I saw! She had found all these bears all over and was talking to them as she placed them all on the stairs.
I ran and got the camera and Lilah had to be in the picture saying "cheese" of course! What a big girl she is!