Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Little More Addition...

Tim's living room window. Its hard to see the colors in this pic.
Bathroom. Grey/blue "Brewster grey". The lino is in.

Tim's bedroom. Same colors as in his living room and kitchen. Taupe "Lenox tan" and dark brown "Clinton brown". Carpet is in.

Kitchen. As you can see Lilah had to be in every single picture along with her tea towel! The light are all in. Plywood floors are almost ready to be sanded and stained. The kitchen cupboards are downstairs in the store. Dad will be installing them himself... when he has time;)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Wedding and a Weekend!

This past weekend Aaron and I drove up to Kelowna for his cousin Paul's wedding. They got married on July 12Th (2008) which is also my parents anniversary, July 12Th (1980), 28 years ago! They were nice enough to take care of Lilah over their anniversary weekend:)
It was a beautiful wedding and Aaron and I both had such a good time! The rest of the weekend was also very relaxing. No two year old to chase after! Seriously I think I need to get Lilah one of those leashes as she had no fear of running away as fast as her little legs can carry her. It scares me a bit, and its always good to have multiple sets of eyes watching out for her!
The addition is coming along nicely. I will be helping my dad paint again today in Tim's suite. Hopefully my back won't get as sore this time. Tim left yesterday for Sweden! His friend from high school met a girl while he was down there and they are getting married so Tim and two of his friends are flying down there for the wedding and than backpacking around for a week or so. They will be gone two weeks in total. Julie is very happy about this!
Paul and Melissa, the beautiful couple!
Aaron and I, the other beautiful couple:)
We had the pleasure of going on a boat ride with Aaron's Uncle Donald and Aunt Bettina! Definitely a highlight of our trip!

Time for a dip!

Home again! 4 generations all in blue! Too bad my mom's mom is not here as well:(

Thursday, July 10, 2008

More Addition

The siding is all done! Two toned so it breaks it up a little bit;)

The priming is all done! The actual taupe color is a tint darker than this but it gives you a good idea. There will also be a very dark brown feature wall in Tim's livingroom and bedroom and his laundry and bathroom will be a grey/blue. We will also be painting our suite these same colors later on when our recroom is done. I got to pick the colors and Tim is color blind so he doesn't really care:)

Picking strawberries. We can't keep her away from them!

Lilah and bear having a swing!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Summertime Fun!

Chilling with our popsicles and our pool.
Travis, Farrah, Lilah, and Aaron.

Lunch at the Cactus Club.

The Vancouver Aquarium.

Summer beauty!

Me, Lilah, Farrah, and Colleen off to a wedding! (-Lilah;)

Cooling down with yet another popsicle! Lilah's new favourite summertime treat.