Monday, July 27, 2009

Worst Week?

So last Sunday Lilah got a major fever in the night and was throwing up and very sick:( I maybe got 4 hours of sleep that night. She slept a lot the next day but was still sick. That night she was up most of the night and so was Declan with a fever! So that night I maybe got 3 hours of sleep. Aaron and I did what we had to do, Lilah in our bed, Aaron in Lilah's bed, Aaron and Lilah in Lilah's bed, Aaron on the floor in Lilah's room with Declan! Yea those 2 nights were HELL!!! (And so was the rest of the week) Anyways once Lilah's fever was gone the diarrhea began and lasted 5 whole days and nights. Poor girl, she pooped more in those 5 days than she had in the last 2 months. And she only had one accident! Pretty impressive. I took her to the Dr. on Friday and really there was nothing he could do:( I did get a stool sample to the lab which was NOT fun. He also let me know not to give her any dairy, I didn't know it bothered her tummy. I started her on the B.R.A.T. diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) and once that was all she was ingesting her pooping got better. So her poor little body lost a little bit of weight. She would be fine at times and than the tummy pains would come back. I could tell she was getting really frustrated and she would act out in RAGE and throw some major tantrums. Come Monday she was almost 100%! But it was a whole week of flu for her:(

Another reason why it was not a good week for me was in my stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, I lost some of my milk:( Declan started refusing to nurse at times. Since day 1 I never had any problems with breastfeeding and now all of a sudden I had to supplement because there just wasn't enough milk in there. Also my let-down would just take waaay too long for him. I think stress had a lot to do with that. I talked to the Dr. and he prescribed domperidone which I am on now, as well as fenugreek and blessed thistle. Seems to be working well. Yesterday Declan nursed all 6 feedings!!! The days before he would have at least 1-2 bottles. I also think he had a growth spurt this week because he was extra hungry all day and night. My good friend Colleen, who has taken a breastfeeding course, was incredibly helpful! She told me about breast compression which really helped, as well as lots of other helpful tips. She has some really good resources and websites. Thanks again Colleen for being understanding and nonjudgmental;) I'm really glad that week is over and I have my happy, chipper little girl back! Now I can look forward to camping this weekend!!! Oh and the last 2 nights I only had to get up once for a feeding. Ahhh sleep:) Even though its hot its ok because I can sleep in peace. Also thankyou to Mom G. for all your help this week and support! Aaron really enjoyed his time with you and Lilah too.

1 comment:

heidi said...

oh wow, that sounds like an awful glad its over. and good for you for working so hard to re-establish your milk supply.