This is the bouncy thing at the Apple Barn. Our mom's group went there today, well three of us showed up anyway. It was lots of fun and the kids had a blast:)

There were no real pony rides there today so this will have to do.

Lilah wanted a little baby pumpkin and
that's just what she picked. Except she calls it a "
pumcorn". I think she's mixing up pumpkin and popcorn. I'd correct her but its pretty cute!

The girls loved the hayride.

The boys liked it too!

Playing in the bunny pen.

Lilah is taking a dance class
Tues. mornings! Its called tiny dance and she LOVES it!

She also loves her outfit and would wear it everyday if she could.

Outside on a beautiful Sept day.

Kisses. Mercedes is the sweetest dog. She wouldn't hurt a fly.

Princess Lilah and Princess Farrah, best friends!

We celebrated Uncle Tim's 25
Th birthday on Sept. 24
Th. Lilah is so into birthdays nowadays:)
Yay...new photos on Steph's blog! So many cute photos! thanks Stephie!
Great pictures, I love the one of Declan on the grass - the smile on his face is priceless!
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