Wednesday, January 30, 2008

So I've been snowed in for almost 2 days now. Boredom is setting in, luckily today I get to go to work for a few hours and I know it won't be busy but it will be nice to get out of the house. Mom and I have decided to take Lovella up on her pedometer challenge unfortunately the $5.99 pedometers mom bought are duds. So we will have to wait to start until proper ones can be picked up! Any suggestions on where to get a good one that doesn't cost too much? I probably would have been very dissappionted yesterday at the lack of steps, being stuck indoors and all!

On Monday I went to my cousin Angela's in Sardis for the day with Lilah. It was so nice to catch up with her since we only see eachother once every 2 months or so. Lilah and her son Joshua played so well together as well as Madison her daughter, once she got home from sschool. And Lilah also surprised me and napped very well there! We put the playpen in her walkin closet so it was nice and dark and she slept for 2 hours without any fuss! Soo nice.

Well I'm off to get ready for work. Have a good day!


Lovella ♥ said...

Oh boy . .. . .I wonder how many dud pedometers have been bought because of the walking club. Terry bought me mine for Christmas in the sport shop where Goslings used to be. I think he paid around $15 for mine.

Now that she spent 10 on the duds .. .that will come to around $40 for a set .. . smirk.

I'll bet you do a lot of steps in a day and especially when you can get out for a walk.

heidi said...

wow, last i checked, your blog still said "puddin" so i had a bit to catch up on! congrats on being pregnant, that is so exciting! yeah, my pedometer is a dud too. i really should go find a good one because i've been walking 4 miles every day with a friend. anyhow, i'm glad you're blogging again and i love the pictures!