Thursday, January 17, 2008

Yeah... High Speed!!!!

So we finally made it to the 21st century! Now I can keep my blog better updated. Sooo... whats new with me, well I am expecting again in August! 23rd to be exact. #2 Oh Yeah! We are very excited. I am 9 weeks along so far and have been feeling pretty good, other than being really tired. Its very different this time around having to run around after Lilah makes me extra tired. Christmas was very busy and I'm glad its over. Normally I'm really sad once its over but this time I'm relieved and very much looking forward to the summer and some sunshine.
Lilah is little miss independant lately. She's gone on the potty quite a bit but I'm not seriously training her yet. They say if you start too early you have a harder time later on. So hopefully by the summer she'll be trained. She says lots of words "bear, pee-pee, mommy, dada, juie(julie), meme(emmy her fave cousin), juice, wawa(water), tv! ohno!, mine, and many many more!
Well I guess thats all for now! I will be back soon.


Lovella ♥ said...

WHAT??? Did I know this? Oh shoot .. .I'm not sure. . .I'm getting so old that I almost need to write down all the big news as well as the little news.
Congratulations .. . and oh I do hope that you enjoy this time waiting for the new little one.

I'm so delighted to see you have high speed internet, we can expect lots of new pictures right?

Bonnie said...

Congrats on #2! That's very exciting.