We had an awesome Christmas, and now I'm tired! On Saturday we went with mom and Elliott to the Island to meet our new nephew for the first time! The pictures go backwards.
Monday, December 29, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I have a nephew!
Little Aaron Trevor Vaino was born on Dec.16Th weighing 8lbs. 11oz. We are soo excited to meet him. Katie did an awesome job labouring at home and had him in a birthing pool in the middle of her living room! So proud of her, way to go! I can only hope that my planned home birth will go as smoothly. Aaron and I were supposed to go to the Island today to see them but unfortunately I got violently ill last night:( I hate the flu. Its probably for the best though seeing as the weather turned pretty ugly this afternoon. So I don't yet have any pictures of the little guy but you can check him out on Katie's blog. He's adorable:)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Saw the midwife today! Her name is Carolyn and she's English and very sweet. She recently moved from England and finally is able to start working in Canada. She young too, I like that! So the baby's heart beat was 130bpm's and his head is down. She tried to help me feel it but I just can't tell?! My uterus is measuring 29cm, right where it should be. I only gained 1/2 a pound this month! Yeah because I have been consistently gaining like 5 pounds a month since my second trimester started and I was wondering if it would slow down and it did! So I've gained 16 1/2 lbs. so far, pretty much the same as my pregnancy with Lilah. The midwife gave me a book and DVD to watch about home births so that will give me something to do over the next two weeks. My next appointment is Christmas Eve! Wow time is going to fly! I'm off to help mom set up her tree:0)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Oh man time is just flying these days! Nov. was over in a flash, I'm kinda glad though because Lilah was sick through most of it:( She's doing soo much better and we figured out what the problem was. Ever since we started potty training her she will hold back on going #2 as long as she possibly can. This was giving her such stomach problems. She would complain about being sick and it would keep her awake at night and as soon as she would finally go she'd be good for the next day than it would start all over again. So I've been making her eat baby food prunes and shes going every day or other day instead of every 3 or 4 days! She is fully potty trained now and has not had an accident in well over 2 weeks! She also never goes in her bed at night or nap time. I still will put a pull up on her at night but she always wakes up dry and calls for me to tell me she has to pee, even at 4am.
I am feeling pretty good. I'm finding it harder to breathe lately as the baby is really high around my ribcage. My band around my bra really bothers me as well. I go to see the midwife tomorrow and every 2 weeks from now on:) That means its getting closer! I'm definitely not ready like I was with Lilah at this time. Her bedroom was practically finished and now I'm just not as motivated to get things ready. Maybe its because I know how little you actually need in the beginning and all the big things I already have, like stroller, car seat, and crib. Now I just need a room?! The converting of the garage into a rec room and bedroom for Lilah has not even been started:( I was hoping it would be ready before the baby came but it definitely won't be. Oh well, its not that big of a deal it will just mean Lilah will have to adjust to a new room and a baby brother but she's so adaptable I don't see it being a problem.
We are anxiously waiting the arrival of our first nephew any day now! Katie is due on the 7Th but most likely it will happen sooner! Katie and her husband Ian live on the Island so the baby may be a few days old before we get to meet him.
I am so not ready for Christmas yet. Every year is the same for me, I leave things last minute and than am rushing around. I wish I was more creative or thoughtful with what to get people but I'm just not:( My mom really is the same way so I know where I get it from;) We both struggle together! I guess that's all for now, maybe I'll update tomorrow with my appointment information.
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