Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Saw the midwife today! Her name is Carolyn and she's English and very sweet. She recently moved from England and finally is able to start working in Canada. She young too, I like that! So the baby's heart beat was 130bpm's and his head is down. She tried to help me feel it but I just can't tell?! My uterus is measuring 29cm, right where it should be. I only gained 1/2 a pound this month! Yeah because I have been consistently gaining like 5 pounds a month since my second trimester started and I was wondering if it would slow down and it did! So I've gained 16 1/2 lbs. so far, pretty much the same as my pregnancy with Lilah. The midwife gave me a book and DVD to watch about home births so that will give me something to do over the next two weeks. My next appointment is Christmas Eve! Wow time is going to fly! I'm off to help mom set up her tree:0)

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