So here we are just 5.5 weeks to go, roughly! Definitely starting to feel finished now and ready! I've been nesting a little bit lately, cleaning, organizing, and washing baby boy clothes. My home birth kit is ready to go. I saw the midwife today and
every things looking good. I've gained 23.5lbs. which is 3lbs. less than at this time with Lilah:) Makes me happy. My belly measures 32cm. The baby's head is down, thankfully and I'm not getting kicked in the ribs anymore like I was. Now I just feel his knee pushing out my side and
a lot of movement really low down like hands and head, which is very uncomfortable. My lower back has been bothering me these last few days, especially by the end of the day. A hot bath helps and a massage from Aaron (I've only had a few of those;) I go for a prenatal massage on Friday, Oh Bliss, I can't wait!
My patience has been running very low when it comes to Lilah. She has decided to stop napping in the afternoon:(
I put her to bed but she just plays or whines and cries until its time to get her out. I'm going to miss my quiet peaceful afternoon time. And than when it comes time for bed at night she's again very resistant. She's been a cranky, naughty girl these past 5 days from not napping, the only up side is she now sleeps in til 8 or 9am!! She knows exactly what buttons of mommy's to push, she's too smart.
She's getting very excited to meet her baby brother and asks a lot to look at my tummy. She makes sure to let me know that the baby needs a soother when he comes. She found one I bought in the cupboard.
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