Declan was a month old yesterday. Wow what a month it has been! No wonder its gone by so fast!
Decs is still a wonderful baby. He hardly ever cries, unless he is hungry than its "feed me and feed me NOW"! He is a
grunter and he's noisy about it. Gets kind of annoying at 5 in the morning. His nose has cleared up for the most part finally. Lilah still loves him, thankfully. The other day she took him out of his swing and carried him up onto the couch with her. I was in my bedroom for like 2 minutes and came out and there they were on the couch together! Extra long timeout for Lilah and a GOOD scolding, as my grandma would put it! She hasn't attempted that since but now I'm extra careful. We go see the midwife again on
Thurs. Interesting to see how much he weighs now. At 2 1/2 weeks he was 9lbs.2oz. He has changed so much. He is completely bald on the top of his head:( Kinda looks like a little old man. Lovely! We still love him!
Yay! ...some new pictures! What a beautiful family!
Love Nana :)
...oh, and Happy One Month Day, baby Declan!
Love Nana
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