Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Declan is now 11 days old and such a sweet baby! I couldn't have asked for a better boy! Since he was 3 days old he was feeding on a 2 1/2-3 hour schedule and going around 4 hours at night. I'm a big fan of the baby wise method:) And Declan is doing so well on this schedule. He is so content and really only cries when he wakes up from his nap and is hungry. I'm finding it so much easier the 2ND time around. I had so much anxiety when Lilah was a newborn, was she hungry? tired? I don't have any of that with Declan. Experience is a good thing when it comes to newborns. He does have quite a plugged little nose, poor guy, but the saline drops seem to be helping. And he still nurses well and sleeps well at night. Lilah is very infatuated and possessive of her baby brother. She does tend to smother him a bit, but loves to hold him and sing and talk to him. Aaron only went back to work yesterday. It was very nice having him around as Mr. mom:)
This past weekend was really fun! It was my niece Cali's 1st birthday on Thurs and we celebrated on Sat. Aaron's sister Katie and Ian and their son Aaron came over from the Island for the weekend. So good to spend time with them.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
He's Here!!!

Declan Timothy Trickett has finally arrived! He was born at 11:59pm on Valentine's Day! Weighing 8 lbs. Here's a little bit about his birth story. Saturday was a really long day for me, not because I was in labour all day but because I was a little depressed about being 1 day overdue, and having nothing to do on V. day :( I went for a good long walk with mom and Lilah in the morning, and tried to keep busy cleaning the house, like vacuuming. I was having cramping and maybe a contraction every half hour to one hour, but definitely not the real thing. At 9:30 pm I went to bed, had 2 more braxton hicks-like contractions and fell asleep. At 10:30pm I woke up having a very strong contraction the strongest yet and felt a pop. Sure enough my water had broken! Hallelujah:) Aaron was still awake and pretty excited when I told him. He went upstairs right away and told mom and dad. Mom came down and started timing my contractions for me. 2-3 min. apart so I paged the midwife. This was at around 11:10pm. Dad and Aaron got busy filling up the birthing pool which was already blown up in my bedroom and ready to go, it just needed water. The midwife arrived at 11:45pm and right around that time I had to start pushing! I was stuck on my bed on my side and there was no moving me to the pool! At a home birth there has to be two midwives present, one for mom and one for baby, well that 2ND one didn't make it in time. Declan was born at 12 midnight. Later the midwife checked her watch with her GPS satellite time and was a minute fast so he was born at 11:59pm! Can't argue with that:) I did need a few stitches, but am doing great! He's nursing beautifully and I couldn't have asked for a better baby. The first 2 nights have been hard but I was expecting that this time round so it was no surprise that he wanted to nurse for like 5 hours straight. I loved being at home and having my baby, and would highly recommend it. I don't think I would have even made it to the hospital if I had wanted to! Declan's nose was very crooked just like Lilah's but its getting much better! We are so in love already:0)
Friday, February 13, 2009
40 Weeks Today!

Actually I shouldn't put an exclamation point after that cause I'm not too happy about it. Darn false labour is sooo annoying! I didn't have much of that with Lilah at all, my water just broke and I had her 9 hours later. Really wish that would happen with this one. I can't say I really want a Valentine's baby but at this point I'll take tomorrow! The waiting and anticipation is very hard but I know it will all be worth it when I'm holding my baby in my arms:) I saw my midwife again on wed. and had another sweep. I was a good 3-4cm dilated and very thinned compared to the previous week. Since than I've had tons of contractions obviously not the real thing but I'm sure its helping. I don't know how my sister-in-law Katie went 9 days overdue without absolutely going crazy?! I think its worse with the second because you sort of know what to expect. I guess that's all for now. Soon I'll be posting a picture of my boy!
Friday, February 6, 2009
39 weeks today...
I saw my midwife again on Wednesday and everything is looking good. I'm probably a pretty boring client because I never really have any questions. My belly measured 35cm and I've now gained a whopping 27.5lbs. I'd say that's pretty good:) I also had my membranes swept and I'm 2-3cm dilated! The baby is definitely off to one side so the midwife suggested spending some time on my hand and knees to get the baby to move. I don't think its been very successful yet though. I'm getting all my kicks on the top left side of my belly button. Yesterday evening my back was killing me and I think it was because I went on a good long walk that morning. Today was better but I've been having a lot more braxton hicks contractions lately. Everything to prepare my body for the real thing! Oh joy:\ I had Lilah at 39 weeks and 5 days so I'm hoping its sooner with this one. Anyway, Aaron just brought home a movie and a booster juice for me, what a guy! Gotta go. I'll try and keep you posted.
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