Actually I shouldn't put an exclamation point after that cause I'm not too happy about it. Darn false labour is sooo annoying! I didn't have much of that with Lilah at all, my water just broke and I had her 9 hours later. Really wish that would happen with this one. I can't say I really want a Valentine's baby but at this point I'll take tomorrow! The waiting and anticipation is very hard but I know it will all be worth it when I'm holding my baby in my arms:) I saw my midwife again on wed. and had another sweep. I was a good 3-4cm dilated and very thinned compared to the previous week. Since than I've had tons of contractions obviously not the real thing but I'm sure its helping. I don't know how my sister-in-law Katie went 9 days overdue without absolutely going crazy?! I think its worse with the second because you sort of know what to expect. I guess that's all for now. Soon I'll be posting a picture of my boy!
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