Saturday, December 1, 2007
Snow, What Snow?!!
Well they said it was supposed to snow all day today but where we live there is absolutely none! I feel jipped. But I am excited that there are only 25 days til christmas! I haven't done ANY shopping yet, so it is going to be a busy month. Especially since I can't take Lilah to the mall any more. She does not like her stroller and just wants to run around. We tried to get her to sit on santa's lap for a picture... did not go so well. She was very frightened of him and would not let go of mommy. I was so disappointed:( Oh well there's always next year. Lilah was 18 months old yesterday. I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. She had her Dr. check-up and everything looks good. Not that he actually looks at anything. She is in the 95th percentile for her height and she weighs 26lbs. She is miss independant lately. She can open doors that open inwards and she can climb up onto couches and chairs. She even got her leg over her crib railing the other night. I took those bumper pads off so fast! And her mattress is as far down as it goes. She is a monkey:)
On Monday is Aaron's staff party! It is the only one we get to go to this year, and I think it will be really fun. They always give away lots of door prizes! Its being held at The Inn at Wesminster Quay and they pay for a hotel room if you want to spend the night! So this will be the first time that I will spend a whole night away from Lilah! I hope she sleeps good for mom;) She has been teething this past week. Her bottom 2 eyeteeth have just popped through now we are waiting for the top two.
Aaron is loving his new postition at Ashley. He's a very good tech guy and is
proving himself rather quickly. He says he can fix almost everything and make it look like there was never anything wrong with it in the first place. So if you ever need furniture fixed he's your guy!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Sooo, its been a little while! Summer's over:( But I am excited for the new season! Lilah is growing and getting smarter every day. She is taking every bit of new information in and remembering it! I can't believe the things she does sometimes. There's not too many words she says that I can understand yet. Papa (thats my dad) is her favorite word and person! And he's loving the attention. She is now almost 17 months old. I think she weighs around 23-24lbs. She loves music and she knows how the turn the radio on in our bedroom! She also loves "Finding Nemo" but she calls it "mamo". She loves being outdoors so this rain is really hard on her. She is a little adventurer and is not scared of anything outside. Mom and I go for walks down the road quite often with Lilah and every time we pass by the barn Lilah makes her "peep peep" noise. She likes to watch the chickens and occasionally steps on the baby chicks! Oops.
Tomorrow Aaron is heading off to Wisconsin. He is taking a Ashley Furniture Touch Up course. He goes from Sunday to Saturday and I am going to miss him soo much! This will be the longest we have ever been away from eachother in 9 years!
Work at Milestones is going really well. I like it a lot more than I thought I would. I get to work with Julie once in a while which is fun! It is a nice break for me! And I'm sure mom loves to babysit, of course.
We are getting really excited for the new arrival in Aaron's family! Greg and Julie are expecting in February, which is going to come up real fast. This will be Lilah's 1st first cousin! She already has lots of second cousins.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Everyday I say to myself that I will update and then all of a sudden the day has passed my by yet again! And its not like I'm that busy, just enough to not post. Well I am back at work. Yes, back to Milestones to which I said I would never return. Maybe it was Julie who convinced me or my old manager who called me up out of the blue and begged me to come back. Or Aaron wanting me to get out of the house again. We will never know. I just work 2 days a week, which is perfect I think. I am always off before dinner time and it is so nice to have cash again. I am liking it a lot more than I thought I would!
Lilah has taken off, running that is! Well not quite but very close. She has been getting into more touble now too! I used to have at least 6-7 nice plants all over my house and now I am down to 2 and they are both on my kitchen table! She loves to play in the dirt. Mom has not gotten rid of any of her plants because she refuses to. She thinks Lilah just needs to be taught "NO". Its not working and we have had to sweep up many many little piles of dirt!
Her favorite thing right now is playing outside. She loves the garden hose and would probably play with it for hours. Yesterday when I came home from work Lilah was sitting on a carmat with the hose on, soaking wet. Aaron said she was washing it! She's just so cute! She still not saying too many words. Just "oh oh" and "mom" "dad". If you ask her where her piggies are she plays with her toes. You know "this little piggy went to market."!
I guess thats all for now. I will try to post more often.
Lilah has taken off, running that is! Well not quite but very close. She has been getting into more touble now too! I used to have at least 6-7 nice plants all over my house and now I am down to 2 and they are both on my kitchen table! She loves to play in the dirt. Mom has not gotten rid of any of her plants because she refuses to. She thinks Lilah just needs to be taught "NO". Its not working and we have had to sweep up many many little piles of dirt!
Her favorite thing right now is playing outside. She loves the garden hose and would probably play with it for hours. Yesterday when I came home from work Lilah was sitting on a carmat with the hose on, soaking wet. Aaron said she was washing it! She's just so cute! She still not saying too many words. Just "oh oh" and "mom" "dad". If you ask her where her piggies are she plays with her toes. You know "this little piggy went to market."!
I guess thats all for now. I will try to post more often.
Monday, June 25, 2007
New Milestones
So as of yesterday Lilah started walking! She had been taking two steps from the coffee table to the couch and than yesterday mom and I were bribing her with food and she kept walking back and forth to us! Today I counted 10 steps. She now knows that it is alot easier to just walk where she wants than to get down and crawl.
She has been really sick as well all week. She stared coughing last tuesday and would cry every time she did. Poor girl. She went from sleeping 7:30pm to 7:30am solidly and napping twice a day for an 1 1/2 each to hardly napping at all and waking up every 20 minutes and night. It has been a really looooong week for me. Oh and she also got another top tooth at the same time as this cold. So she now has 5 teeth and the 6th one is almost through. Needless to say she's been miserable. She is much better today though thank goodness!
I am very excited for this coming weekend. We are going camping with 3 other families up to Cultus Lake. I really hope the weather behaves, because crawling around in the mud is no fun at all!(for me anyway.) Its going to be hard enough as it is to keep the little ones busy who aren't really walking yet. Pray for sunshine!
She has been really sick as well all week. She stared coughing last tuesday and would cry every time she did. Poor girl. She went from sleeping 7:30pm to 7:30am solidly and napping twice a day for an 1 1/2 each to hardly napping at all and waking up every 20 minutes and night. It has been a really looooong week for me. Oh and she also got another top tooth at the same time as this cold. So she now has 5 teeth and the 6th one is almost through. Needless to say she's been miserable. She is much better today though thank goodness!
I am very excited for this coming weekend. We are going camping with 3 other families up to Cultus Lake. I really hope the weather behaves, because crawling around in the mud is no fun at all!(for me anyway.) Its going to be hard enough as it is to keep the little ones busy who aren't really walking yet. Pray for sunshine!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
My Little Flowergirl!

Congratulations Julie and Greg on your wedding! It was so beautiful. You two picked the perfect day to get married, well maybe it was a little hot but sooo much better than rain! Sorry this post is so late. They got married on Saturday, June 2nd. Lilah was the flowergirl. Aaron carried her down the aisle as she dropped rose petals! Aaron's two other sisters were also in the wedding party. Holly, maid-of-honor and Katie, a bridesmaid. The whole wedding took place at Heritage Valley. What a fun day!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Lilah's 1st Birthday!

We had her birthday on Sat. May 26th. Lilah's 9 closest friends and family were there along with most of their parents so it was very busy and crowded! So much fun though. Lilah is quite the little entertainer and did so well. She loved all the attention. I am glad its all done with, it was very exhausting! The next day Aaron's dad had a big bday party at his house for Lilah and her Auntie Katie and himself. Lilah and her grandpa share the same birthday! Auntie Katie even wrote a song especially for Lilah! She played the guitar and sang along. It was so well done and very cute!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Lilah's 1 Year Photo Shoot!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day To Me!!!
Its my first and its very exciting! It's been so long since I've blogged I know, very bad. What have I been up to? Well I am addicted to facebook! Its sort of lost its spark already though. I did find my old old old best friend who moved away almost 10 years ago though! I added her to my friends list but she hasn't confirmed back yet:( I don't know why, maybe she doesn't check her's very often. I was so excited when I found her and all her 5 siblings. So in that way facebook is really neat. What else? We celebrated Mom's 46th birthday on tuesday and my grandpa's 80th birthday yesterday. Sooo many May bdays. Lilah's party is on May 26th but her real bday is May 30th. I'm so excited for it! Lilah and I went to Aaron's sister Julie's for lunch and cake. Aaron has to work today so he missed out. Not much else to say. I can hear Lilah playing in her crib when she is supposed to be sleeping so I'd better go check on her.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Aaron's 25!

It was Aaron's 25th birthday yesterday. Even he can't believe he's already halfway to 50!
We went to El Nopels just across the Sumas border. It was really yummy. My whole family and Aaron's whole family was there. 18 in total. I think Aaron had a really good birthday this year. He definitely knows he is loved!
We went to El Nopels just across the Sumas border. It was really yummy. My whole family and Aaron's whole family was there. 18 in total. I think Aaron had a really good birthday this year. He definitely knows he is loved!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Mommy's Girl

I made the mistake of bringing Lilah to mom's group today. She was miserable:( I usually leave her at home with my mom so she won't miss her morning nap. She doesn't do well without it. I always thought I would have a child that would go to the nursery no problem, not cry for mommy, and be content and happy with perfect strangers. Not to be. She's definately becoming a mommy's girl. I need to leave her more often in the nursery. I haven't done it at church yet but I guess now's a good time. I know she would do much better after a nap and probably be perfectly fine, but we won't know unless we try!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Easter Pictures
Easter Pictures
Friday, April 6, 2007
What a day!
Well it was another beautiful day today! Mom, Julie, Lilah and I went to the junction to Urban Planet to do some shopping. They had lots of things for 50% off. I got a jean skirt for $5 and quite a few other things but not for as cheep. I love a good deal. Mom and Julie didn't have such good luck. Poor little Lilah has a nasty cold right now and a very bad flemy cough:( She's been waking up a lot throughout the night which is not fun for me.
On another note Aaron's car (the Honda Civic) is not doing so well. It has over heated every day since he insured it a week ago. I knew this would happen. Older cars almost always have engine problems and this one is no different. I think Aaron will have to get a second job just so he can keep his cars running! Just kidding!
We are going to Aaron's dad's for Easter dinner on Sunday! He just bought a house and we haven't been there yet. And than on Monday we have dinner with my mom's side of the family. It should be a busy weekend.
On another note Aaron's car (the Honda Civic) is not doing so well. It has over heated every day since he insured it a week ago. I knew this would happen. Older cars almost always have engine problems and this one is no different. I think Aaron will have to get a second job just so he can keep his cars running! Just kidding!
We are going to Aaron's dad's for Easter dinner on Sunday! He just bought a house and we haven't been there yet. And than on Monday we have dinner with my mom's side of the family. It should be a busy weekend.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
What a Beautiful Day!

Okay well this picture wasn't taken today but that's pretty much what it looked liked (minus the winter jackets!)
I met my girlfriends Candace and Colleen and their daughters Reese (6 months) and Farrah (11 months) at Tim Horton's today for lunch. Than we went for a walk around Albert Dick Lake. It was so nice and warm, definitely no jackets needed. It is so nice to have close friends with kids around the same age as Lilah. She is almost 10 months old now! Wow time flies. Tomorrow I am going to Surrey to visit with Melissa. Another play date for Lilah. I am also waiting to hear of 3 babies that are supposed to be born within the next couple of days, very exciting!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Time for an Update
So what have I been up too lately? Well I am painting mom's kitchen and hallway for her! She felt like she needed a bit of a change. She picked out a nice olivey green color. Lilah has been growing like a little weed. She is so much fun and makes us laugh all the time. Yesterday Aaron and I took her swimming for the first time! She was so cute. We went to the Mission Leisure Center which was really nice. The change rooms were clean! Unlike MRC, eww gross:( Anyways the kiddy pool was a little cool for her and she started shivering so we took her in the hottub which was about the same temp as her bathtub.
Aaron has had a cold for almost 2 weeks now and I am so ready for it to be gone. He coughs so much and it is driving me crazy! He only took 1 day off work but his schedule now is 2 days on 2 days off 2 days on 1 day off so if he takes an extra day off you can really notice it! I guess the furniture store has its slow time of year and instead of laying someone off they each work one less day. Hopefully it will pick up again soon.
I don't really know what else to say? I have been trying to keep busy because I hate this time of year. I'm glad its spring though. I feel like I need to get outside more, but I don't walk in the rain. Mom is a little bit more ambitious than me and still walks most of the days. A vacation, thats what I need! Maybe next year. I guess thats all I have to say for now.
Aaron has had a cold for almost 2 weeks now and I am so ready for it to be gone. He coughs so much and it is driving me crazy! He only took 1 day off work but his schedule now is 2 days on 2 days off 2 days on 1 day off so if he takes an extra day off you can really notice it! I guess the furniture store has its slow time of year and instead of laying someone off they each work one less day. Hopefully it will pick up again soon.
I don't really know what else to say? I have been trying to keep busy because I hate this time of year. I'm glad its spring though. I feel like I need to get outside more, but I don't walk in the rain. Mom is a little bit more ambitious than me and still walks most of the days. A vacation, thats what I need! Maybe next year. I guess thats all I have to say for now.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Lilah cut her first two teeth today! Very exciting! I had no idea she was even teething because she's been sleeping so good at night and having good naps as well. I'm definitely not complaining:) I thought it bothered them before the teeth poked through but maybe not Lilah. Anyways that is all I have to say for now.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
I know its been quite a while since I've updated. We've been trying to stay busy. I really hate this time of year and envy anybody that gets to go on vacation. I miss the sunshine. The days seem like they just drag on. Yesterday we went to Mt. Baker and went skiing! We went with our friends Travis and Colleen and Colleen's dad Carl. It was really fun except for the weather:( It was raining and at the top of the mountain it was snowing and very windy. It made it really hard to see anything! By lunchtime we were all soaked and didn't go back out, except for Travis and Carl. They braved it again. Its too bad but oh well.
Tonight we went to Aaron's mom's for our Sunday dinner! Everybody was there this week, Aaron, Lilah, and I, Katie and Ian, Julie and Greg, Holly and Mom! She made a yummy roast with all the fixins, and a homemade apple pie for dessert.
Tonight we went to Aaron's mom's for our Sunday dinner! Everybody was there this week, Aaron, Lilah, and I, Katie and Ian, Julie and Greg, Holly and Mom! She made a yummy roast with all the fixins, and a homemade apple pie for dessert.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Monday, March 5, 2007
The face

So this is Lilah's new face. We have no idea where she gets it from (some say Aaron some Papa Tim:) She does it for a number of reasons, sour food, yummy food, strangers, familiar faces. She is such a character! I know its kinda scary but hilarious none-the-less. Lilah what are we going to do with you?
Sunday, March 4, 2007

This picture was taken right after Lilah was born. Aaron's mom was the first person we called to tell the news! I looked through my pictures to try and find a more recent one but unfortunately I couldn't. I will have to take my camera to dinner tonight and take a picture of the two. Over the past 9 years I have gotten to know Elaine very well. I have even taken a trip with just her and myself to Whistler so we could talk (well it was probably mainly her doing all the talking and a lot of listening coming from me!) I was in grade 11 I think at the time. She always has so much great advice to give. Just yesterday she stopped by with a box of diapers and snacks for Lilah and some food for Aaron and I as well. So thoughtful! I know she doesn't get to see her granddaughter as often as my parents do but I know she is just as proud! Lilah is very spoiled with love from both sides of the family especially since she is the first baby. Aaron and I are so blessed to have such a wonderful mom!
Friday, March 2, 2007
Being Silly!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
What a beautiful day! I put Lilah's exersaucer outside in the sunshine and she loved it. She played out there for well over an hour. Aaron and my sister were cleaning and putting their rims on their cars. Lilah watched the dogs play fight and the cats eat their food. At one point my sis put on the CD we got in Cuba and it took me right back! Two years ago at this time we went to Cuba for a week with my family. Someday we will go back! I think Lilah has gotten over the worst part of her cold, thank God! Those were some miserable days.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Home Alone!
Well living in a house with 7 people (including Lilah) its not very often that I find myself completely alone. Lilah is in bed, Aaron is go carting, my parents are in Chilliwack watching some bull riding, and I have absolutely no idea where my brother and sis are. I guess this is a good time to do some blogging so that is where I am! Poor little Lilah got a cold yesterday:( She has such a runny nose and is very cranky. I had to leave for a minute to put the dogs in there pen. For some strange reason they like to lie outside Lilah's window and bark at who knows what! Does anybody want a dog?
Anyways, I went to my mom's group this morning without Lilah. My sis watched her so she could go down for a nap, but when I came home she hadn't slept yet!. I guess she wanted her mommy to put her to bed. I'm very flattered really, but honestly baby girl, she has never done that before. I am going to blame it on the cold. She slept very good last night surprisingly but I sure didn't! Aaron also has a cold and was snoring up a storm so I finally kicked him out of bed and onto the couch. Mean I know but it was sooo annoying! And the breath strips that go on your nose that apparently help stop snoring don't work!
Back to mom's group, it was very good! Kinda intense but very informative. Our leader talked about relationships with our hubbies. Our homework for this week is we have to find out what our and our spouse's love language is. There are 5. Giving and receiving of gifts, physical touch, expressing words of affirmation, sharing quality time and performing acts of service. Mine are definitely sharing quality time and acts of service. Aaron's are touch and affirmation, definitely! Not such a hard homework assignment. Now if only we did these more often!
Yeah my sisters home! And she brought a friend with her. Ah the joy of still living with my family. Don't get me wrong, we have our own suite with a lock on the door but on a friday night like this its definitely nice to have some company. I really do love my family!
Anyways, I went to my mom's group this morning without Lilah. My sis watched her so she could go down for a nap, but when I came home she hadn't slept yet!. I guess she wanted her mommy to put her to bed. I'm very flattered really, but honestly baby girl, she has never done that before. I am going to blame it on the cold. She slept very good last night surprisingly but I sure didn't! Aaron also has a cold and was snoring up a storm so I finally kicked him out of bed and onto the couch. Mean I know but it was sooo annoying! And the breath strips that go on your nose that apparently help stop snoring don't work!
Back to mom's group, it was very good! Kinda intense but very informative. Our leader talked about relationships with our hubbies. Our homework for this week is we have to find out what our and our spouse's love language is. There are 5. Giving and receiving of gifts, physical touch, expressing words of affirmation, sharing quality time and performing acts of service. Mine are definitely sharing quality time and acts of service. Aaron's are touch and affirmation, definitely! Not such a hard homework assignment. Now if only we did these more often!
Yeah my sisters home! And she brought a friend with her. Ah the joy of still living with my family. Don't get me wrong, we have our own suite with a lock on the door but on a friday night like this its definitely nice to have some company. I really do love my family!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Proud Papa!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Belly Shots!
Time flies when you're having fun!
Wow I can't believe its already wednesday. Weeks go by so fast it seems. And since Aaron has tuesdays and wednesdays off it feels like a weekend. We spent quite abit of time with my grandma and grandpa and A. Mary Lou. She flew back yesterday:( Its nice to catch up on whats going on with my family in Alberta. We are going to plan something big for my grandpa's 80th birthday in June, a family reunion of sorts. It will be nice to see them again!
On saturday we went to Quazines for dinner for Julie T.'s birthday. It was really nice. I had never eaten there before. A little pricy but very tasty. They even have someone playing a grand piano!
Last night my friend Melissa came over with Beckhem. She was supposed to come at round 5pm but as usual didn't get here til 8pm! She couldn't find her keys. Like all new moms she needed some grown up conversation. We watched American Idol. None of the guys did that great I thought. Maybe the girls will do better tonight. We'll see.
Now that Lilah is crawling she is getting into alot more trouble. You can't take your eyes off her. She got into my mom's plant a couple times. Oops! She can pull herself up in her crib now too. She will be crying and I will go check on her and she will be standing there holding her little arms out. It is heartbreaking but so cute too!
On saturday we went to Quazines for dinner for Julie T.'s birthday. It was really nice. I had never eaten there before. A little pricy but very tasty. They even have someone playing a grand piano!
Last night my friend Melissa came over with Beckhem. She was supposed to come at round 5pm but as usual didn't get here til 8pm! She couldn't find her keys. Like all new moms she needed some grown up conversation. We watched American Idol. None of the guys did that great I thought. Maybe the girls will do better tonight. We'll see.
Now that Lilah is crawling she is getting into alot more trouble. You can't take your eyes off her. She got into my mom's plant a couple times. Oops! She can pull herself up in her crib now too. She will be crying and I will go check on her and she will be standing there holding her little arms out. It is heartbreaking but so cute too!
Saturday, February 17, 2007

Friday, February 16, 2007
Today my cousin Angela is coming for lunch and a visit with her 3 kids! My mom hasn't seen her in a while so she'll be there too. This morning my mom and I went for a nice walk up Bateman hill. A good workout especially when you have to push a stroller. On another note my sis-in-law Katie has started a blog! So check her out.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Valentine's Day!
Yesterday started out with a trip to the spa! Last week when I booked my next appointment I didn't realize it was on valentine's day, but it sure worked out to my advantage. I got a purifying facial! It felt so amazing and included a neck and shoulder massage and a foot massage as well! Talk about being pampered. Aaron has tuesdays and wednesdays off so he watched Lilah while I was gone. For dinner Aaron took me to Restaurant 62 for a 4 course meal! It was so delicious:) And we got home in time for American Idol which we are addicted to this season. I'm not sure why because we didn't really watch any of the other seasons.
Today I went to my friend Holly's house for lunch. She has a 2 1/2 year old son and a 4 month old daughter. Our friend Denise was also there which was really nice cause we haven't seen her in a long time. She had met Lilah once when she was only 2 weeks old! Our friend Melissa also came with baby Beckhem, although she was almost 3 hours late! So there were 4 kids and 4 adults, we are almost outnumbered! It was very nice to catch up. Holly had made a really nice lunch of greek pasta salad and pizza biscuits and I brought banana chocolate chip muffins which I made this morning.
My grandma and grandpa and aunt Mary Lou came over for tea in the afternoon. My aunt flew out yesterday from Alberta so it was really nice to see her.
On another note Lilah finally figured out how to slither along the ground. She pulls herself along with her hands and arms. It won't be long now until she is crawling!
Today I went to my friend Holly's house for lunch. She has a 2 1/2 year old son and a 4 month old daughter. Our friend Denise was also there which was really nice cause we haven't seen her in a long time. She had met Lilah once when she was only 2 weeks old! Our friend Melissa also came with baby Beckhem, although she was almost 3 hours late! So there were 4 kids and 4 adults, we are almost outnumbered! It was very nice to catch up. Holly had made a really nice lunch of greek pasta salad and pizza biscuits and I brought banana chocolate chip muffins which I made this morning.
My grandma and grandpa and aunt Mary Lou came over for tea in the afternoon. My aunt flew out yesterday from Alberta so it was really nice to see her.
On another note Lilah finally figured out how to slither along the ground. She pulls herself along with her hands and arms. It won't be long now until she is crawling!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Tonight we had waffles with blueberries and whipped cream and bacon for dinner. Very healthy I know. We couldn't go to Aaron's mom's today because she was picking up Katie and Ian from the airport. They were in Quebec for the carnival!
I was an eager beaver today and did some scrapbooking! I love doing it when I have the motivation, and I got 4 pages done!
Aaron and his dad picked up Aaron's new car tonight. It had to be brought back on a trailer, and Aaron's dad just so happens to have one.
I was an eager beaver today and did some scrapbooking! I love doing it when I have the motivation, and I got 4 pages done!
Aaron and his dad picked up Aaron's new car tonight. It had to be brought back on a trailer, and Aaron's dad just so happens to have one.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Bye Bye:(

Here is the picture I promised to post ages ago. It looks kinda like a big bug!Aaron still gets very sad every time he sees it:(
Everything has fallen into place. The money we got for his car went into RRSP's as well as buying him another car. He bought his brother-in-law Ian's honda civic off him for $1000. So he was very happy about that. Its not as nice as this one was but definately better than the pontiac Tempest he has been driving! He's got big plans for his new buy and i'm not too excited about it. Oh well, my husbands a dreamer!
Yesterday wasn't too exciting of a day. My mom and I went to Lens and Shutter to get crazy amounts of pictures developed (well not really). Than we went to the new Rendevous restaurant at Mt. Lehman. It was very nice in there and yummy food too! Lilah attracts attention wherever she goes. Its not rude when she stares at people! I don't think they'd like it if I stared at them like that! For dinner we just had leftovers. Very boring I know. I had my friend Rachel over last night for a visit. We were going to go out somewhere but decided to stay in. It just ends up costing money to go out. It was nice to have a visit with her. We hadn't talked in a long time. So that was my day yesterday. Today my mom's friend Therez is coming for a visit and of course to see Lilah!
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Too Funny!
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Today I went to the Wild Orange Spa. Last year for my 24th birthday my husband and mom and dad gave me a gift certificate to the spa for a massage, facial and pedicure. I don't really know why I waited so long to go but it was worth the wait! I had a 45 minute aromatherapy massage done today. It was heavenly! It was my first massage ever (from someone other than my husband.) It is so nice in there and very relaxing. After my luxurious afternoon at the spa I drove to the Mt. Lehman Starbucks (because I love the drive-through!) I treated myself to a "tall vanilla tea misto" and asked if they had any cranberry bliss bars? The girl at the drive-through said no but had one cranberry lemon scone left and asked if I wanted it for free. Of course I couldn't refuse! How nice and yummy. Now to conclude my relaxing afternoon I am going to continue reading my very good, funny book until Lilah wakes up from her nap!
Sorry I guess on my last post I was not clear about who exactly was to be wed. Aaron's sister Julie is engaged to Greg and Aaron, my sister, and Greg went to play bball the other night:) My aunt called yesterday and asked why she didn't know about my sister getting engaged! Oops.
It gets very confusing when you have 2 sisters with the same name.
It gets very confusing when you have 2 sisters with the same name.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Busy Day
Today was a busy day and I didn't even leave my house! My mom babysat my cousin's little girl, Emrickka. She is 18 months old and kept us both very busy. She loves Lilah and can say her name really well and she says it all the time "Lala". Very cute:) Mom and I went for a nice walk down the road with the girls before it started raining.
Tonight I had Aaron's family over for dinner. I cooked a smoked chicken. If you have never had it before you have to try it. It was so yummy! It tastes just like ham so we call it "cham" or "picken" or "hicken"! Anyways everyone loved it! There were 13 of us altogether in my little basement suite. I set up a folding table because the table I have only seats four. It was very cozy to say the least. Usually Aaron's mom has a dinner at her place every sunday but she needed a break so I thought it would be nice to have everyone at my place for once. My sister-in-law Julie informed me that was the first time I have ever had her over for dinner in all the years Aaron and I have been together. How embarassing! Oh well, we will just have to have them more often! Well I'm off to bed now. My hubby just got home from shooting hoops with my sis and future bro-in-law Greg! Night
Tonight I had Aaron's family over for dinner. I cooked a smoked chicken. If you have never had it before you have to try it. It was so yummy! It tastes just like ham so we call it "cham" or "picken" or "hicken"! Anyways everyone loved it! There were 13 of us altogether in my little basement suite. I set up a folding table because the table I have only seats four. It was very cozy to say the least. Usually Aaron's mom has a dinner at her place every sunday but she needed a break so I thought it would be nice to have everyone at my place for once. My sister-in-law Julie informed me that was the first time I have ever had her over for dinner in all the years Aaron and I have been together. How embarassing! Oh well, we will just have to have them more often! Well I'm off to bed now. My hubby just got home from shooting hoops with my sis and future bro-in-law Greg! Night
Sunday, February 4, 2007
My Day
We actually got to go to church today! Lilah woke up at 6 this morning so she got her morning nap in before church. Normally she goes down at around 10 and church starts at 10:45 so it really doesn't work well with her schedule. After church mom, Julie, Lilah and I went to my grandma and grandpa's for a yummy lunch! My grandma adores her great granddaughter:) Lilah was #10 great grandchild for them, and since then there has been 2 more additions.
After Lilah's second nap of the day we went with my sister Julie to her friend Lindsay's in Maple Ridge to watch the superbowl. She lives with her roommate in a really nice big basement suite. A couple of Julie's friends were there who hadn't seen me since I was very pregnant! They got such a kick out of Lilah! She just stood holding on to the coffee table most of the time and was very entertained by one of the guys playing the guitar. Aaron had to work so he missed out on all the fun:(
Tonight Aaron gave me the most wonderful back massage! He is sooo good at giving them. And thankfully he likes to give them too! I was so lucky during my pregnancy. I'm surprised his wrists didn't get sore he gave me so many. He also likes to give foot massages. I have the best husband ever.
After Lilah's second nap of the day we went with my sister Julie to her friend Lindsay's in Maple Ridge to watch the superbowl. She lives with her roommate in a really nice big basement suite. A couple of Julie's friends were there who hadn't seen me since I was very pregnant! They got such a kick out of Lilah! She just stood holding on to the coffee table most of the time and was very entertained by one of the guys playing the guitar. Aaron had to work so he missed out on all the fun:(
Tonight Aaron gave me the most wonderful back massage! He is sooo good at giving them. And thankfully he likes to give them too! I was so lucky during my pregnancy. I'm surprised his wrists didn't get sore he gave me so many. He also likes to give foot massages. I have the best husband ever.
My Day
We actually got to go to church today! Lilah woke up at 6 this morning so she got her morning nap in before church. Normally she goes down at around 10 and church starts at 10:45 so it really doesn't work well with her schedule. After church mom, Julie, Lilah and I went to my grandma and grandpa's for a yummy lunch! My grandma adores her great granddaughter:) Lilah was #10 great grandchild for them, and since then there has been 2 more additions.
After Lilah's second nap of the day we went with my sister Julie to her friend Lindsay's in Maple Ridge to watch the superbowl. She lives with her roommate in a really nice big basement suite. A couple of Julie's friends were there who hadn't seen me since I was very pregnant! They got such a kick out of Lilah! She just stood holding on to the coffee table most of the time and was very entertained by one of the guys playing the guitar. Aaron had to work so he missed out on all the fun:(
Tonight Aaron gave me the most wonderful back massage! He is sooo good at giving them. And thankfully he likes to give them too! I was so lucky during my pregnancy. I'm surprised his wrists didn't get sore he gave me so many. He also likes to give foot massages. I have the best husband ever.
After Lilah's second nap of the day we went with my sister Julie to her friend Lindsay's in Maple Ridge to watch the superbowl. She lives with her roommate in a really nice big basement suite. A couple of Julie's friends were there who hadn't seen me since I was very pregnant! They got such a kick out of Lilah! She just stood holding on to the coffee table most of the time and was very entertained by one of the guys playing the guitar. Aaron had to work so he missed out on all the fun:(
Tonight Aaron gave me the most wonderful back massage! He is sooo good at giving them. And thankfully he likes to give them too! I was so lucky during my pregnancy. I'm surprised his wrists didn't get sore he gave me so many. He also likes to give foot massages. I have the best husband ever.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
An Ode to my Midwives!
I just found out the other day that there is no longer a midwifery clinic in abbotsford:(
I decided to go with the midwives after my cousin Echo had them deliver her baby. They came highly recommended and I couldn't agree more! My experience with them was amazing. Jane ended up delivering my baby but my visits with Katherine and Sharon were also very good. Every visit I had was at least 45min. to an hour long. It was once a month til 28 weeks than every 2 weeks til 36 weeks than every week. After I had Lilah they made 5 home visits! It was so much more than I could have asked for. They made me feel so good and they kept telling me how wonderful Lilah and I were doing and that she was thriving. They gave me so much good advice and happily answered any questions I had when I had to call after Lilah was born.
Jane and Katherine moved to the Island a couple months ago and Sharon is going to be working out of her home. I so hope to have her for my next pregnancy (whenever that may be). I have to say my pregnancy was such an amazing time for me. I absolutely loved the whole experience thanks to my midwives!
I decided to go with the midwives after my cousin Echo had them deliver her baby. They came highly recommended and I couldn't agree more! My experience with them was amazing. Jane ended up delivering my baby but my visits with Katherine and Sharon were also very good. Every visit I had was at least 45min. to an hour long. It was once a month til 28 weeks than every 2 weeks til 36 weeks than every week. After I had Lilah they made 5 home visits! It was so much more than I could have asked for. They made me feel so good and they kept telling me how wonderful Lilah and I were doing and that she was thriving. They gave me so much good advice and happily answered any questions I had when I had to call after Lilah was born.
Jane and Katherine moved to the Island a couple months ago and Sharon is going to be working out of her home. I so hope to have her for my next pregnancy (whenever that may be). I have to say my pregnancy was such an amazing time for me. I absolutely loved the whole experience thanks to my midwives!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Yesterday I went for a visit to my cousin Angela's. We have stayed very close to eachother since we were roommates for a couple of years back in highschool. Our families lived together on the farm for 10 years! Anyways, she has two daughters and a son, 6, 4 and 7 weeks. Lilah loves playing with her girls and its nice that they keep her entertained. Baby Joshua is also very sweet and such a good baby. It is so nice to know someone with so much experience.
Lilah has been sleeping so much better the last two nights! It makes such a difference in how happy we both are during the day.
Every friday I go to a "mom's time out". It is a nice break from the kids because they have a nursery there. It is a lot of fun! We do a devotional and the leader usually picks a topic that has to do with raising children so I get lots of advice. Three of my close friends go as well. Last week Lilah got bit in the head while in the nursery:( They wouldn't tell me who was the culprit because they didn't want to tattle. She was alright though:) There is usually around 8 kids in there and most of them have teeth! This friday we are going to the Adventure Zone for the kids. That should be fun.
Lilah has been sleeping so much better the last two nights! It makes such a difference in how happy we both are during the day.
Every friday I go to a "mom's time out". It is a nice break from the kids because they have a nursery there. It is a lot of fun! We do a devotional and the leader usually picks a topic that has to do with raising children so I get lots of advice. Three of my close friends go as well. Last week Lilah got bit in the head while in the nursery:( They wouldn't tell me who was the culprit because they didn't want to tattle. She was alright though:) There is usually around 8 kids in there and most of them have teeth! This friday we are going to the Adventure Zone for the kids. That should be fun.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Finally a Visit
Yesterday my longtime friend Melissa came over for a visit. Melissa and I have been friends since grade 6! Thats almost 13 years. She had a son, Beckhem, two months after Lilah was born. It was so much fun being pregnant at the same time. She lives in Surry so we don't see eachother as much as we would like. Her son is also pretty high maintenance and colicky so she doesn't leave the house very often. But yesterday she made it out (mind you she only got to my house at 6:30pm)! I will post a pic soon. I know I always say that but we didn't go to my mom's this week so I couldn't use her computer, so sunday hopefully.
On another note Aaron got his settlement for his honda!!!!!! $6500.00:) Aaron would have liked 7500 but we're not complaining! He also bought a car of my parents friends for $300 so he can take that to work. Insurance is also really cheap as well. Aaron also went back to work today doing deliveries. He might be really sore tomorrow but he was going stir crazy around the house! Thats all for now.
On another note Aaron got his settlement for his honda!!!!!! $6500.00:) Aaron would have liked 7500 but we're not complaining! He also bought a car of my parents friends for $300 so he can take that to work. Insurance is also really cheap as well. Aaron also went back to work today doing deliveries. He might be really sore tomorrow but he was going stir crazy around the house! Thats all for now.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
A Short Update
There is not too much to tell you. Aaron is still pretty sore in his chest but he did go back to work on friday. He didn't deliver any furniture he just worked in the warehouse. He met with the icbc claims adjuster but what he'll get for his car is still unknown, or if he'll get anything at all. He also went to the chiropracter and said that was the biggest waste of $! He also went to the motor vehicle branch and sat there all day waiting for a cancellation to get rid of his N. He was able to take the test and passed! Thank God! He sat there for 7 hours before he took the test!
Anyways on a happier note tonight we are going to an engagement party for Aaron's sister Julie and her fiance Greg! They got engaged on christmas morning! The wedding day is June 2, 2007! We are very excited for them. The whole wedding will take place at Heritage Valley so it will be very nice!
Anyways on a happier note tonight we are going to an engagement party for Aaron's sister Julie and her fiance Greg! They got engaged on christmas morning! The wedding day is June 2, 2007! We are very excited for them. The whole wedding will take place at Heritage Valley so it will be very nice!
Monday, January 8, 2007
Even Gloomier Days
So on friday night Aaron was in a car accident:( It happened at around 2:30am. He had been out with a couple guys from work and was coming home. I talked to him on the phone at 1:40am and he said he would be home in 45 minutes. His cell phone died after that so when I tried calling him there was no answer. Needless to say I was very worried. I definately felt led to pray for his safety and opened my Bible to Psalm 23 "The Lord is my shepherd..." The verse that popped out at me right away was "even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me". I kept reading this over and over. I finally woke my mom up at 3:20am when I still hadn't heard from Aaron. She sat with me and prayed, that was my only comfort. Aaron finally called at 4:15am and told me he was in an accident! I felt so much relief to hear his voice but couldn't believe he had an accident. He had called from the ambulance using their cell phone. He had turned the car into what he thought was the fast lane but instead hit a curb than a pole. He was able to get out of the car and walk. He totaled his Honda Civic:( There must have been many angels protecting him because the police officer said at the speed he was going he should have been seriously injured even killed. He is very sore in his ribs from the airbag but that is all! I will post pictures of the car soon. Now he has to deal with ICBC:( Please pray for our future as it is uncertain. He will probably loose his drivers liscense. There are definite consequences for his actions that night. But God is a forgiving God and I am a forgiving wife. Thank you for praying!
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Yeah Pictures!
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Gloomy Days
Well all the festivities are over. I always get very sad this time of year. I like to have something to look forward to. Last year at this time I was halfway through my pregnancy and looking forward to my baby. On new years day at 2am was the first time I felt Lilah move in my belly. So amazing! This year at 2am on new years day I was rocking my sick baby back to sleep. Not very much fun but I do love cuddling her and watching her fall asleep in my arms. She looks so angelic.
I took down my christmas decorations yesterday and helped my mom take down hers today. It always feels so less cluttered with everything put back in its place. I got the news about Heidi this morning from my mom! How exciting to have a New Years Baby! Congratulations Heidi. I'm so excited to meet Tristen soon!
Now, I've tried posting more pictures and I wait and wait and 15 minutes later its still downloading! The first two time it was less than 1 minute so I don't know what the problem is?:(
I will keep trying but who knows.
I took down my christmas decorations yesterday and helped my mom take down hers today. It always feels so less cluttered with everything put back in its place. I got the news about Heidi this morning from my mom! How exciting to have a New Years Baby! Congratulations Heidi. I'm so excited to meet Tristen soon!
Now, I've tried posting more pictures and I wait and wait and 15 minutes later its still downloading! The first two time it was less than 1 minute so I don't know what the problem is?:(
I will keep trying but who knows.
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